Those bulges under your chin may impinge on your beauty and may be a reason of your distress. Both men and women can suffer from double chin. Overweight and loss of elasticity of skin due to aging result in extra layer of fatty tissue beneath the chin. Some genetic factors may also cause double chin. One can go for surgical procedure to get rid of double chin, but it may make a dent in your pocket. If you are looking for painless and pocket-friendly ways to eliminate extra fat, these home remedies will be beneficial for you..
1. Wheat Germ Oil
Before you hit the sack, massage your skin in upward direction for 10 minutes and leave it overnight. Do it on a regular basis until you notice improvement.
- Alternatively, consume foods that are rich in vitamin E. For instance, green leafy vegetables, legumes, dairy products, beans, barley, brown rice, nuts and seeds, peanuts, soybeans, etc., contain abundant vitamin E (3).
- Moreover, you can apply a vitamin E capsule mixed with water on your double chin.
2. Green Tea
Green tea can increase the skin elasticity. It contains number of antioxidants that fight free radicals responsible for ageing (
5). The anti inflammatory properties of this herbal tea also protects skin from photoaging (
- You can use green tea bags to massage your skin.
3. Honey Melon
Honey melon contain Vitamin C which safeguards skin from photoaging (
Peel and grind a melon to make its juice. Apply it on face and neck using a cotton ball.Massage gently and leave it for 20 minutes. And apple juice can also be added.
- Besides, eating a melon also gives effective results.
4. Milk Cream Massage
Milk contain calcium and vitamin D (
10). Calcium plays an important role in the process of skin ageing (
Moisturize your face with milk cream and massage for a couple of minutes. It will add more elasticity to your skin and tone the chin area.
- Besides, you can also apply honey and milk mask. Clean it with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.
5. Sugar-Free Chewing Gum
To prevent double chin, it is important to tone your facial muscles. One of the easiest ways to exercise your jaw is simply chewing a sugarless gum every day. It also helps maintain healthy gums and teeth.
6. Egg Whites
Egg white contain protein which plays a vital role in maintaining skin elasticity (
Egg whites not only reduce double chin but tighten the skin as well. Make a homemade face pack of egg white,
epsom salt and vinegar. Apply this paste using a cotton pad on your chin to see some amazing results.
7. Cocoa Butter
Warm a few tbsp of cocoa butter in microwave and gently massage your face with it. Repeat this twice a day before you take a bath in the morning and before you hit the hay.
8. Glycerin
Glycerin improves skin elasticity, hence it is used as a remedy to get rid of double chin.
Apply the pack on your chin and neck area to get rid of a twin chin. After a couple of minutes, rinse your face with cool water. Do this 4-5 times a week.
9. Olive Oil
The high level of anti oxidants in olive oil safeguard the skin from damage by free radicals (
Massage with warm
olive oil for about 20 minutes a day in the morning to keep saggy double chin away.
10. Chamomile
Chamomile is a natural skin moisturising agent. Levomenol present in Chamomile possess anti inflammatory properties which help to maintain skin elasticity (
11. Tongue Press
Double chin exercises like tongue press can help you get rid of double chin. This exercise tightens the muscles in your chin to slowly make the double chin disappear.
One last thing… you should try this 10-second “morning trigger” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 10-second morning trigger?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the morning trigger, but more about how they help raise your body’s low core temperature to dramatically increase your fat burning metabolism and improve your health and appearance.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right — it actually took me 19 days to lose 24 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently
Imagine waking up every morning full of energy and loving what you see in the mirror…
Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.
And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…
All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.
Click here to see the 10-second “morning trigger” that helped me melt away 24 pounds in just 19 days
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