15 Signs That Your Body is Too Acidic And How to Balance pH Levels Naturally..

You should know that toxic foods are everywhere around us., in the air, in the food, in household cleaners, electronics we use. Causing stress, anxiety, emotional problems, negative emotions produce free radicals in your body also.
This meets one sure thing – avoiding toxic buildup is practically impossible. These toxins can be very dangerous for your body and health in general if they are ignored. It slowly weakens the immune system and generates an environment for possible diseases and health harms.

How The Human Body Is Affected by Over-Acidity?

Your brain, heart, lungs, bones, liver, kidneys, intestines, stomach, and skin. According to the experts, if your body is over-acidic, you are going to feel bad, just like sick and fatigue. You will also experience digestive problems, gain weight, and some other harms. You’ll be amazed when we assure you that up to 95% of all cancers are created in an acidic environment. NOTE: increased levels of acidity are linked with other diseases also, like: diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and many chronic diseases.

15 Warning Symptoms That Your Body is Over-Acidic

  1. Osteoporosis
  2. Persistent Cough
  3. Kidney Issues
  4. Chest Pain
  5. Skin issues (rashes, eczema, acne)
  6. Fatigue
  7. Cardiovascular illness
  8. Bladder infections
  9. Weak immune system
  10. Stomach problems (bloating, indigestion, acid reflux)
  11. Yeast infections
  12. Diabetes
  13. Obesity
  14. Sciatica
  15. Muscle aches

The Importance of Maintaining a Balanced pH Levels

It is especially important for you to remember that the human body needs to manage a balanced pH level in order to remain healthy. Just write this down and don’t ignore it. But, how this works? When we consume acid-forming foods, the body releases alkaline-based minerals in the bloodstream ( phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium) to balance the pH level of the blood. Consequently, if you’re not intaking enough alkaline-based foods, your body will extract these minerals from the teeth, bones, and organs. This process causes fatigue and weakens the immune system, therefore will make you more prone to diseases.

5 Useful Tips to Instantly Alkalize Your Body:

  1. Exclude acidic foods from your diet like popcorn, soda, dairy, pastries, alcohol, coffee, sweeteners, meat, white vinegar, wheat products, soy.)
  2. Try drinking a lot of filtered water every day and lemon infused water in the morning.
  3. Avoid GMO foods.
  4. You need to consume more greens since they’re extremely alkalizing. green juices, Green shakes, salads, etc.
  5. Eat primarily alkaline foods ( fruit, vegetables, nuts, beans, seeds, and legumes).

Turn your body into the ultimate healing machine

At some point in your life, you’ve been in pain.

And when you’re in pain, you just want it to stop.

The upside is, pain can tell us something.

Pain is a signal that something’s out of balance somewhere.

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